

The Best Choice in Digital Assets Management & Cloud Storage. Powered by Wealth Finance Limited. WFLCloud is a diversified asset management platform equipped to provide reliable and trustworthy custodian services for both enterprises and individual users.

The Forex Market

Digital Assets Cloud Storage Service
Integrating decentralized technology into custody wallets
to quickly and easily manage all digital assets on and off-chain.
Digital Assets Management
Leading the pack amongst the world’s digital wealth management platforms, with a variety of wealth management services, staking, and more.
Digital Assets Trading
Interoperability of online and offline, hot and cold wallet to meet the transactional needs of all users.

Why Choose WFLCloud

Safe Risk Management System
A foolproof screening system that comprehensively tracks transaction volumes, fraudulent behaviours, on-chain verification, system, software, and accounts.
Diversified Services
Providing exclusive custody services, staking services, and market updates, according to the users’ needs.
24/7 Operations
Providing professional 1 to 1 consultancy services for users.
Supports Multiple Cryptocurrencies
Supporting a wide variety of mainstream tokens, with more cryptocurrencies to be listed in the future.
Professional Team
An international team of experts from numerous industries, with years of experience in the financial, legal, and blockchain industry. Dedicated to providing users with safe and legal access to the financial markets.

WFL AI Security System

WFL AI Security system is an original blockchain-based security system developed by WFL to effectively reduce fraudulent security risks.

  • AI Risk Control System -Secure AI system built on blockchain infrastructure
  • AI Transaction Control System -Reliably approves each transaction and transfer on the platform
  • AI Settlement System -Ensures that the ledger cannot be tampered with
  • AI Monitoring System -Monitor all functions effectively with real-time alarm systems
CC EAL6+ Security Chip
Multi-sign Signal System
HSM Hardware Security
Big Data and AI Driven Security System
Financial-Grade KMS Solution

WFLCloud Asset Management System

  • Staking Service -WFLCloud runs a new POS staking model that allows users to obtain rewards through delegation or staking their digital assets.Users can easily transfer their digital assets to the managed staking wallet to earn attractive interests.

Why Stake with WFLCloud?

  • Flexible and Fast -Join easily with multiple options to choose from.
  • Stable -A professional platform boasting the latest technological and security services.
  • High Returns -Grow your portfolio quickly by staking with us.
  • Safe and Convenient -Offering secure protection with the WFL AIS system, with multiple security measures in place.

Platform Token:

Total token Supply 130,000,000 WFLHAIN
Network TRC-20
Consensus Mechanism PoS 60% PoS Staking
Token Decimal 6 20% Platform maintenance and development
Stability 50% of tokens will be burnt (Transaction Fees) 10% Marketing and Operational Reserves
Deflationary Measures PoS 10% Team (locked-up)

WFLHAIN Listing Plan


Ecosystem Roadmap

  • 2020-Launch of WFLCloud wallet
  • 2020-Launch of WFLCloud Hash Mining
  • 2022-IPDEX
  • 2022-WFLhain Staking
  • 2023-WFLCloud IDO
  • 2023-WFLCloud Hardwallet